Administrative Notes
Content Development Material for various topics was developed in the school. This includes numbers for starters - - a Maths book for the first group; division and multiplication practice books; English books based on phonetics, Observational activities and forms. We have also started a process to design and develop educational material on social science topics with Eklavya, Madhya Pradesh. The highlight of this is that the focus of this material will be the western Indian region and the people of this area. It is being designed keeping the tribal children in mind. Teacher Trainings A 5 day Teacher Training for our and two other associated schools was held in the Kakrana school. There were 15 teachers in the training. Another 10 day training will be held in June before the beginning of the next session. Teachers are being sent to Eklavya Teacher Training. Farming This year vegetables were almost a success. The children got fed up eating pumpkins. We also got gourd, brinjal, tomatoes and beans. In all about 250 Kg., vegetables were grown in the school farm. We didn't buy any chilies this year, and won't need to buy next year too. We have produced onions and garlic for the next year. Construction The kuchcha dining hall lasted for four years. It was renovated and a pucca hall was made in its place. The roofing of our house was also changed. We couldn't make the library and craft room due to lack of funds. Parents' meetings Two Parents' Meetings were held in this session.
For the next year
-- Student committee will be constituted to run the school every month.
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